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Ivan Raj

Ivan Raj is from Long Island, New York. However, he was born and raised in Chennai, India 🇮🇳 in a Christian family and in a Hindu and Islamic community. He speaks two South Indian languages, Telugu, and Tamil (same language Vivek Ramaswamy’s parents speak)

His early years of education was at a Hindu School at which yoga was part of the school syllabus which helped him to produce Yoga Unboxed, a documentary series designed exclusively for western Ex-Christians who have embraced New Age philosophies to reconsider Christ & The Holy Bible!

Ivan Raj

In 2014, Ivan Raj along with his business and ministry partner, Heidi Tompkins founded Heidi’s Health Kitchen® in New York. It is a Christian mission focused small business which manufactures plant-based (not vegan!) and gluten-free delicacies from the west and from south India!  HHK has loyal customers nationwide and is still growing!

The newest product Carubie-latte is a delicious drink to help with covid brain, brain fog and inflammation issues. This product has received several 5-star reviews on google. HERE is the product Ad.

Due to the huge success of this product, Heidi’s Health Kitchen is planning to set up a manufacturing plant exclusively for Carubie-latte In Florida.

Ivan Raj is also the founder of The Wisdom Pearl (EST.2022) which organizes Faith-based Conferences in the US.

The Organization also helps a tribal clan of 66 families who are discarded as “Untouchables” in South India by meeting their needs for a shelter, teaching languages, and presenting The Bible truths. Check this link for more info.

His talk at one of his last year’s Conferences, “The Science of Salvation”, about the experience of Christ in Gethsemane touched every attendee’s heart!

Ivan Raj is the visionary for “The Battle for Your Frontal Lobe” Conferences. The past conferences had keynote speakers namely Ivory Hecker, Carrie Sheffield, Prof. Martin Kulldorff, Chloe Cole and Dr. Peter McCullough.

The upcoming 4th Conference theme is “AI & The Days of Noah”. We are in the process of finalizing with a venue, a 2,400-seat auditorium to host this Conference.

Ivan Raj has offered Bible studies to individuals in different parts of the world which has led to several Baptisms. Notably, his first Bible student to get baptized was a Muslim who lived in India, and then in 2018, two of his Kurdish Bible students (previously Muslims), one of them spoke Farsi. That being said, Ivan will always be a student of The Bible!

In 2016, Ivan Raj was presenting talks on India in Eschatology (i.e. India’s role in the end time events). Yoga was part of these talks.  In 2018, The Lord brought to his mind how the origins of Yoga can be traced back to Genesis 3:1-7, and how a yogi will eventually be separately from Jesus Christ! In a time of Hindu fanaticism in India and Yoga fanaticism in the US, Ivan was initially very hesitant to share these truths to people, however, because of His Love for His Lord and Love for the people, he prayerfully mustered up courage to start presenting these truths at Churches. Several churches and Christians gave him push back, but The Lord opened several opportunities to feature on TV Networks and Podcasts to reveal the deceptions of “Yoga”.

Because part of his schooling was at a devout Hindu school in India. He was exposed to yoga at a very young age, and since consecrating his life to Gospel work in 2014, he is able to see through the lens of The Bible and Hinduism – gaining exposure in both worlds – which has enabled him to confidently explain about Yoga to Christians!

Ivan also discovered that Yoga is baked into WEF ideologies (through Yuval Noah Harari), how in subtilty, Yoga, a Hindu ritual, has been incorporated into the American Schools and Medical Industry, while The Bibles and Praying to Jesus have been removed. The US Army has also incorporated New Age practices. All of this under the garb of “Science”, but the Apostle Paul tells us there is a “false science” which contradicts The Word of God!

1 Timothy 6:20-21

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.

Below are some of the topics Ivan has presented regarding Yoga

1) Origins of Yoga and Genesis 3:1-7

2) Differences between Eastern Meditation and Middle Eastern Meditation (The Bible was written in the Middle East and according to the Scriptures, Jesus was from the line of Abraham who was from the land of Ur {Modern day Iraq}).

Genesis 11:31 And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son’s son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram’s wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees,…”

3) How/Who established Yoga in the US.

4) 10 Differences between Yoga stretching and regular stretching

5) Who is the source of Yoga?

6) Two origins, Two destinations (i.e. Tree of Life & Tree of knowledge of good and evil)

7) Two Sanctuaries

8) Health complications from Yoga (Physical, Mental and Spiritual).  He shares evidence from Scientific Research Websites, and from some Yoga teachers’ Websites.

9) Can a Christian Practice Yoga?

10) Yoga and The Mark of The Beast – He first establishes from The Scriptures who is “The Beast” that controls the world and ALL the activities in it.

Revelation 13:2 – And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

The Bible has the power to interpret itself, so that everyone who searches the Scriptures will know exactly who is “The Beast” power.  Ivan then shows its clear connection and several similarities to Yoga! This is a “bombshell” topic and if the host/organizer wants Ivan to present this topic, Ivan prefers to first present it to the host privately for a review, before presenting it to their audience. He does not have a video of this talk online. However, he has a video explaining in a documentary style format, “Who is The Beast?”, entitled “Godfather Revealed”.  Happy to share a private link for this documentary, if interested.

Ivan Raj’s Approach in all his talks:

  • No conspiracy theories & fear mongering!
  • Every statement is backed with evidence either from The Bible, Hindu writings, History, Archeology, or Science.
  • All talks are presented without condemning anyone. Especially when presenting deceptions about Yoga, which most of the Christian world do not know about!
  • The objective of the talks is to bring to light the deception, and let people make their choices.
  • In addition, his talks follow the example of Christ’s method who does not want anyone to be destroyed but “…He (God) wants all to come to repentance” 2 Peter 3:9
  • All talks are presented with love, compassion, and empathy.
  • Through his talks, he wants his audience to think and make wise choices for themselves.

Ivan Raj’s favorite quote from a Christian Author:

“The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.” – Education Page 57.3 (Ellen G White, 1903)