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Conference - 13-14 September 2024

The Battle For Your Frontal Lobe

Join us for an eye-opening event exploring the parallels between artificial intelligence and the biblical days of Noah.

Are you curious about the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and biblical prophecies? Join us for an exciting event where we explore the parallels between the advancements in AI technology and the days of Noah mentioned in the Bible. This in-person event will feature thought-provoking discussions, engaging presentations with like-minded individuals. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to delve into this fascinating topic!

Conference - 13-14 September 2024

The Battle For Your Frontal Lobe

Join us for an eye-opening event exploring the parallels between artificial intelligence and the biblical days of Noah.

Are you curious about the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and biblical prophecies? Join us for an exciting event where we explore the parallels between the advancements in AI technology and the days of Noah mentioned in the Bible. This in-person event will feature thought-provoking discussions, engaging presentations with like-minded individuals. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to delve into this fascinating topic!

Recent Events

The Battle for Your Frontal Lobe Conferences

The Battle for Your Frontal Lobe” is a Faith-Based Conference focusing on strengthening the mental health by providing information from The Holy Bible, use of Natural Biblical Remedies, Data from Medical Doctors, and Knowledge of Bible Prophecies.

To know more, visit: www.TheWisdomPearl.com

Faith > Finance - April 26-27, 2024
“Science” vs Science - October 27-28, 2023
Fear Not, Fear God - April 28-29, 2023

An Educational Symposium for your Health

Yoga & The Bible

October 23rd, 2022

A Symposium that addresses Yoga through the lens of Bible, Medical Science, Archeological evidence and History to help you make healthy choices for your Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health.



Past Events

Plant-Based Summit 2020

Register for $129 to Watch Online

Grow healthier and wiser at the 3rd annual plant-based summit featuring health lectures, natural remedies, and cooking programs based upon science, history, and ancient health principles from the Bible.

  • Programs from Renowned Speakers Value $2,750
  • Cooking Show with Award-Winning Recipe Value $500.00
  • Downloadable Recipes Value $24.00 Plant-Based Summit Total Program Value $3,403.00


The event was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!! My Guest was blown away by the information and she made a commitment to change her eating habits to Plant-Based.

Dr. Paula Lazarus

Very Informative Summit and a wonderful blessing. It will help you on the road to better healthy eating habits.

Laura J.

What a treat to see what you are doing. Terrific. Really high priority!

Dr. T. Colin Campbell

It was a Blessing to be part of this Summit.

Dr. Hana Jones



An Astronomy conference combining Bible and Science for Homeschooling kids.